Healthier Boyhoods

Healthy Families, Strong Communities in Kurdistan

Equimundo and SEED Foundation jointly conducted formative research, and developed two curricula that have been adapted for the context of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq aiming to create more equitable outcomes for women and men in violence prevention and healthy relationships.

Boys and Sexuality in the Internet Age

Comprehensive sexuality education is still the exception rather than the norm in schools globally. Young people and children are looking to digital spaces to find information and greater understanding about the world around them, including about sex and sexuality, specifically through consumption of online pornography.

The men behind the curtain: How organized anti-feminist backlash actors exploit boys and what to do about it

The concept of “anti-feminist backlash” has become increasingly prominent in the discourse on international gender equality. The term variously refers to everything from individual dissent to organized political resistance against the real or imagined advancements of women, girls, and feminist movements. At its core, the notion of backlash presupposes a landscape where significant strides toward equality for women and girls have been made, prompting a reactive effort by those who disagree with and/or perceive themselves as disenfranchised by these shifts.

Boys and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

From the earliest stages of learning about their bodies, identities, attractions, reproductive choices, and desires for relationships, boys need information, services, and support – in order to support themselves and others around them.

Deconstructing Masculinities through the X-MEN

by Tatiana Moura (with Marta Mascarenhas and Haydée Caruso), Observatory on Masculinities / Center for Social Studies / Portugal Español abajo / Português abaixo In the corridors

The Manosphere, Rewired

When two-thirds of young men feel that “no one really knows” them, as State of American Men 2023 shows, they reveal the fragility of their connections and relationships. This “crisis of connection” collides with the reality that no one really seems to agree on what a “good man” looks like or how to become one. The combination of these two truths creates the perfect conditions for men to seek connection in the digital world via the manosphere – a diverse collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, misogyny, and opposition to feminism – which swoops in to provide clear messages around gender and gender roles to make simple sense of an otherwise complicated world.

Many Ways of Being (All genders, 15-19)

Many Ways of Being is a sex education curriculum focused on gender equity, healthy relationships, & safer sex practices. This inclusive, youth-centered program can be implemented in schools and community centers with youth of all genders ages 15-19.

State of American Men Cover

State of American Men 2023

The inaugural State of American Men report by Equimundo, “From Crisis and Confusion to Hope,” seeks to understand the realities of men in 2023.

Generations for Change

The Generations for Change curriculum engages with both parents and their young adolescents to reduce intergenerational violence and foster healthy, caring, and supportive relationships between parents and

The State of UK Boys

From education and achievement to mental health and well-being to violence and aggression, the ‘state

IMAGES Online Resource Repository

The International Men and Gender Survey (IMAGES) online repository is an open-access, organized, and searchable database of all questions ever asked in adaptations of IMAGES across the world.

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