Program P

Exploring the untapped potential of digital fatherhood engagement programs

Digital strategies could be a promising modality to engage fathers as they have potential to create change – they are accessible, flexible, low cost, and easy to scale. We need to rethink our evaluation approaches to adequately measure how to measure engagement, success and impact in digital spaces.

Parenting Programs to Reduce Violence Against Children and Women

This series of parenting programs briefs was developed by UNICEF, The Prevention Collaborative, and Equimundo to support parenting practitioners to integrate the prevention of violence against children and women and gender equality promotion within parenting programs.

Program P: Program Summary

Program P is a gender-transformative intervention targeting parents (future or current parents of children aged 0-5 years). It is designed to encourage participants and community members to challenge harmful social beliefs and norms around gender power and roles. Program P was created by Equimundo along with Cultura Salud/EME and REDMAS as part of the MenCare campaign.

Program P Comparative Review: Topline Findings

Parenting programs have been identified as a promising strategy to strengthen parenting skills; increase men’s participation in caregiving; improve the quality of family relationships, health, and well-being;

Core Elements of Gender Transformative Fatherhood Programs to Promote Care Equality and Prevent Violence

Program P (“P” for the words for father in Portuguese, pai, and Spanish, padre) was developed in 2011 specifically to promote men’s positive involvement as fathers in maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and in caring for their children. Since then, it has been adapted in close to 30 countries by a wide array of partner organizations, ranging from small community-based organizations to large multilateral development organizations and governments, often in partnership with Equimundo.

Generations for Change

The Generations for Change curriculum engages with both parents and their young adolescents to reduce intergenerational violence and foster healthy, caring, and supportive relationships between parents and

Program P

Program P provides concrete strategies and activities, based on evidence and a decade of adaptations in different settings, to engage men with their female partners in caring, equitable and non-violent fatherhood from their partner’s pregnancies through their children’s early years.

Bandebereho Facilitator’s Manual (2021)

This manual was developed by RWAMREC and Equimundo to support the scale-up of the Bandebereho couples’ intervention through the health system in Rwanda. The manual is adapted

Key Takeaways/Lessons Learned from Prevention+

In 2016, Rutgers and partners Sonke Gender Justice, Promundo-US, and MenEngage Alliance started Prevention+: a five-year, multi-country program in Indonesia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Rwanda, and Uganda that sought

What We Know About Masculinity, Fatherhood, and Caregiving

Becoming a father can be a defining step into adulthood, and fathers who take a hands-on role in caring for their children, from the earliest days, often say it’s one of the most fulfilling parts of their lives. According to research conducted in advance of the 2019 State of the World’s Fathers, some 85 percent of fathers across seven countries said they would do anything to be very involved in caring for their newborn or adopted child.

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