Sub-Saharan Africa

Living Peace Institute: Brief

The Living Peace Institute (LPI) is a Congolese non-profit organization dedicated to promoting mental and psychosocial health of people in conflict areas to restore peace and stability. It was born out of research from the International Men and Gender Survey (IMAGES) and grounded in evidence-based research on breaking cycles of violence.

Caregiver Stories from Rwanda

Caregiver Stories started as a small collection of video stories highlighting the realities of male caregivers in the US which aimed to address two major concerns when

Bandebereho Facilitator’s Manual (2021)

This manual was developed by RWAMREC and Equimundo to support the scale-up of the Bandebereho couples’ intervention through the health system in Rwanda. The manual is adapted

Key Takeaways/Lessons Learned from Prevention+

In 2016, Rutgers and partners Sonke Gender Justice, Promundo-US, and MenEngage Alliance started Prevention+: a five-year, multi-country program in Indonesia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Rwanda, and Uganda that sought

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