Integrate evidence-based parenting and adolescent-focused curricula to engage fathers and their partners, together with their children to build equitable, respectful, and nurturing family environments.

Decades of research into the intergenerational transmission of violence have demonstrated that children who witness or experience violence in the home are significantly more likely to perpetrate or experience domestic violence as adults, compared to those whose childhood homes are violence-free. Violence against children, both entrenches the gender order, and can have negative and lasting consequences  affecting children’s health and development directly, and increases their likelihood of following similar behavioural patterns with their own children.

Intergenerational programs engage parents and their adolescent children in the same setting and can have a profound impact on halting the intergenerational transmission of violence and promoting peaceful homes and communities. Equimundo currently implements combined versions of Programs H and P in Jordan and Iraq in partnership with Terre des Hommes and SEED Foundation respectively.

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