The world has set ambitious goals related to reproductive health and family planning, including to reach an additional 120 million women and girls with contraception by 2020 and achieve universal access to reproductive health and family planning by 2030. The focus of these goals is women and girls, yet realizing these ambitions requires including men. Increasing male engagement in an explicitly gender-transformative way is central to improving the health and well-being of women and men and to achieving global goals for family planning and reproductive health.
Following the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, countries were encouraged to make policy, programmatic, and financial commitments to improve family planning uptake. This review analyzes final strategies related to achieving each country’s FP2020 commitments. The assessed documents included commitments made at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning and/or at the 2017 Family Planning Summit; costed implementation plans, the primary focus of this analysis; annual country action plans; and self-reporting questionnaires submitted to FP2020 on intermediate progress made towards achieving goals.
A Long Way to Go: An Analysis of the Proposed Engagement of Men and Boys in 13 Country Implementation and Action Plans
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