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Equimundo and UN Women will launch the International Men and Gender Equality Survey in the Middle East and North Africa (IMAGES MENA) on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 in Beirut, Lebanon. The launch will kick off a three-day conference, Masculinities in the Arab World: “Trajectories to Peace and Gender Equality,” hosted by ABAAD, Equimundo, and UN Women.

IMAGES MENA is the first multi-country study in the Middle East and North Africa to take a wide-angle lens to the lives of men – as sons and husbands and fathers, at home and at work, in public and private life – to better understand how they see their positions as men, and their attitudes toward gender equality. The nearly 10,000-person study by UN Women, Equimundo, and local research partners in Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon (including Syrian refugees), and Palestine, which also includes the perspectives of women, challenges many of the stereotypes commonly associated with men in these countries and highlights pathways to equality. The launch will reveal the research findings and take an honest look at what it means to be a man today in the four countries surveyed. Learn more about the International Men and Gender Equality Survey, which has been implemented or is in process in over 30 countries, here.


To download the report on Tuesday, May 2, 2017, visit:
Join the conversation online using #imagesmena.


More Information About the Launch:


  • Ghida Anani, Founder and Director, ABAAD – Resource Centre for Gender Equality
  • Gary Barker, President and CEO, Equimundo
  • Mohammad Naciri, Regional Director, UN Women Office for Arab States
  • Sigrid Kaag, United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon
  • Shereen El Feki, Senior Fellow, Equimundo
  • Fatma el Zanaty, President, El-Zanaty & Associates
  • Ziad Mansour, Founder and CEO, Connecting Research to Development (CRD)
  • Rajaa Nadifi, Professor and Researcher, Laboratory Gender Education Literature and Medias, Hassan II University of Casablanca
  • Eileen Kuttab, Director, Institute of Women’s Studies, Birzeit University
  • Bachir Hamdouch, President, Association Migration Internationale
  • Lena Karlsson, Regional Programme Manager, UN Women Regional Office for Arab States in Cairo


Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 15:00–17:30 EEST, with film screening and reception to follow


Monroe Hotel
Kennedy Street,
Solidere, Downtown, Beirut


Men dominate public and private spaces across the MENA region, but in contrast with women, relatively little is known about their inner lives – as fathers, sons, and husbands. IMAGES MENA offers a unique glimpse into how men see themselves and the changing world around them, and it identifies where there are pathways toward gender equality and how we can make progress in policy and practice. By combining the data from the nearly 10,000-person household survey with qualitative research, IMAGES MENA provides a unique view of the present state, and future prospects, of gender equality in the MENA region.

Press Inquiries:

Alexa Hassink (Equimundo) |
Rebecca Ladbury (Ladbury PR) |
Heba Katoon (UN Women) |

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