In 2018, we launched the Equimundo Workplace Advisors, which provides experienced, thorough, research-based solutions for workplace innovation, growth, inclusivity, and employee satisfaction by engaging men as part of the solution to advance gender equality By 2018, the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) or IMAGES-inspired studies have been conducted in 41 countries worldwide, reaching more than 66,000 people.

In Portugal, Equimundo-Europe launched EQUI-X, an adaptation of Program H/M that works with teenage boys and girls and young men and women to challenge gender stereotypes across five EU countries. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Young Men’s Clubs Against Violence project reached over 2,500 young men in Kinshasa, DRC. In Brazil, we partnered with Uber Brazil to develop a campaign to raise awareness among Uber’s male drivers about gender-based violence. In the United States (US), we launched the Helping Dads Care report focused on men’s caregiving in the US and advocates for comprehensive paid family leave.

Equimundo’s 2018 Annual Report outlines key actions and accomplishments in research, programming, advocacy and more.



Annual Report 2018

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