Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from November:
1. Quartz shares key findings from the State of Nordic Fathers report in “Even Nordic Dads Don’t Take Their Fair Share of Parental Leave.”
2. BBC Future cites data from the State of the World’s Fathers report, mentions the Gender-Equitable Men (Gem) scale, and highlights Program H in “The Boys Learning Anti-Sexism in India.”
3. Forbes Mexico mentions results from The Man Box report in “Noviembre: del ‘Día Internacional del Hombre’ al ‘Mes de las masculinidades positivas’.” [in English, “November: from ‘International Men’s Day’ to ‘Month of positive masculinities’”].
4. O Tempo cites data from the The State of Fatherhood in Brazil 2019: Time for Action report and quotes Equimundo Brazil consultant Daniel Costa Lima in “Mesmo Podendo, Um Quarto Dos Pais Não Tira Licença-Paternidade,” [in English, “Even When They Can, a Quarter of the Parents Do Not Take Paternity Leave”].
5. Fatherly highlights key findings from the State of Nordic Fathers report in “What Swedish Dads and Nordic Dads Have That We Don’t.”
6. Forbes shares key findings from the State of the World’s Fathers report in “Why We Need To Shift Narratives About Fatherhood.”
7. Daily Morocco promotes the MenCare Global Meeting 2019 in “MenCare: The 3rd World Meeting will be held in Rabat.”
8. World Bank Blogs highlights Program H in “Making Violence Against Women a Thing of the Past.”
9. Artnet covers Equimundo’s partnership with Phaidon on the Great Women Artists book in “See 19 Powerful Artworks From a New Book Celebrating the Greatest Women Artists in History.”
10. The Deccan Chronicle lists the Very Young Adolescence 2.0 curriculum in “‘Not All Men’: An Unproductive Response While Addressing Gender-Based Violence.”