Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from June:
1. Yahoo! Finance highlights Equimundo Brazil’s partnership with Uber in “Uber Launches Podcast Against Racism and Lgbtphobia for App Drivers.”
2. The Washington Post cites data from the Understanding Masculinities: Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) – Middle East and North Africa report in “Egypt’s Women Are Rising up Against Sexual Violence. Others Are Still Being Jailed for TikToks.”
3. CNBC cites data from the Helping Dads Care report in “The Coronavirus Pandemic Probably Won’t Launch a Stay-At-Home Dad Revolution.”
4. Forbes Russia features the State of the World’s Fathers 2019 report in “Internet Mayor: How Reddit Founder Alexis Ohanian Became One of the Main Advocates for the Rights of the Oppressed.”
5. The Things highlights the Global Boyhood Initiative in “Salma Hayek Explores Healthy Masculinity With ‘The Boyhood Initiative’.”
6. Georgia Today shares findings from the Men, Women and Gender Relations in Georgia: Public Perceptions and Attitudes report in “Georgia Becoming More Gender-Sensitive but Bias Remains, Study Reveals.”
7. Mashable highlights the Staying-at-Home with our Sons: Fostering Healthy Masculinity in Challenging Times report in “How to Raise Boys So They’re Comfortable With Their Emotions.”
8. Valet cites The Man Box: A Study on Being a Young Man in the US, UK, and Mexico report in “Do Men Have an Empathy Problem?”
9. ReliefWeb shares findings from the Caring Under COVID-19: How the Pandemic Is – and Is Not – Changing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work Responsibilities in the United States report and the #HowICare campaign in “Close to Half of Women Are Feeling More Anxious, Depressed, Isolated, Overworked or Ill Because of Increased Unpaid Care Work Caused by the Pandemic – Oxfam Survey.”
10. Center for Global Development cites data from the Reflections on Gender, Patriarchy, and Peace: Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in Afghanistan report in “Coronavirus Complicates an Already Dire Situation for Afghan Women.”