Welcome to “Equimundo in the Press,” a monthly recap of media that mention Equimundo or MenCare, the global fatherhood campaign that Equimundo co-coordinates. We know that in order to create a truly equal, nonviolent world in which men and boys are allies in the fight for gender justice, we need to spread the word. Here are the top 10 featured articles from July:
1. Forbes cites data from the If He Can See It, Will He Be It? Representations of Masculinity in Boys’ Television report in “New Research Indicates Top-Rated TV Content Created For Boys Reinforces Male Stereotypes.”
2. USA Today features survey results from the State of the World’s Fathers 2019 report in “On Father’s Day, Let’s Celebrate What’s Normal (Not Special) About Dads Caring for Kids.”
3. Milenio shares findings from The Cost of the Man Box: A study on the economic impacts of harmful masculine stereotypes in Mexico report in “Machismo in Mexico Costs 360 Million Dollars a Year, According to Study.”
4. Cosmopolitan mentions Equimundo in “What is Toxic Masculinity.”
5. Business Fights Poverty mentions Equimundo in “How Companies Can Take Action to Address White Privilege.”
6. Scary Mommy shares research from the Caring Under COVID-19: How the Pandemic Is – and Is Not – Changing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work Responsibilities in the United States report in “Stop Relying On Working Moms To Handle Everything.”
7. The Book of Man mentions Equimundo in “Tom Meighan and a Question of Responsibility.”
8. Strategy+Business shares data from the State of the World’s Fathers 2019 report in “The Evolution of Women’s Leadership.”
9. Consultor Jurídico features Program P in “Paternity Project Helps Prevent Gender-Based Violence.”
10.The Communication Initiative Network mentions MenCare Switzerland in “From Global Coordination to Local Strategies: A Practical Approach to Prevent, Address, and Document Domestic Violence under COVID-19.”