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Starting on November 25, organizations around the world will join a movement to spread awareness and take action during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Campaign. The campaign runs from November 25 to December 10 and aims to educate and raise awareness, strengthen partnerships and programming, and advocate for government policies to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. The theme of this year’s campaign is “Together We Can End GBV in Education!” and will focus on the right to education, challenges faced in addressing GBV in education, and best practices for eradicating violence.

Each day during 16 Days of Activism, Equimundo is sharing one commitment that you can make, as an individual, to promote equality end gender-based violence. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and use #16Days and #IPledge to join the discussion. Tell us what you pledge to do to end GBV, including:

#1. Speak out. 

#IPledge to never commit, condone, or remain silent about gender-based violence.

#2. Fight for equality.

#IPledge to advocate for women’s right to equal pay for equal work and for workplaces built on respect.

#3. Listen.

#IPledge to listen to and elevate the voices of women. I will ask how I can be an ally in preventing violence.

#4. Think about it.

#IPledge to reflect on my own experiences and attitudes, and to educate myself on issues related to power, privilege and accountability.

#5. Get your hands dirty.

#IPledge to share the chores and childcare equally and willingly with my partner. I commit to modeling gender-equitable, nonviolent relationships for my kids.

#6. Support women leaders.

#IPledge to champion women’s leadership and advancement, and to break down stereotypes or obstacles that challenge this progress.

#7. Take leave.

#IPledge to supporting paid parental leave for all genders, and to take it. When both parents take leave, it supports equality at work and at home.

#8. Support choice.

#IPledge to respect women’s right to make autonomous decisions about their bodies and sexuality without discrimination.

#9. Decide to care.

#IPledge to form a caring, nonviolent bond with my child or another child in my life. I commit to being a positive role model.

#10: Take a stand.

#IPledge to never tolerate any form of violence or exploitation of children or adolescents.

#11: Talk it out.

#IPledge to always use dialogue and respect, never violence.

#12: Be different.

#IPledge to break free of gender stereotypes, to define my own way to have a positive impact, and to respect every person and their self-expression.

#13: Support diversity.

#IPledge to challenge sexist, homophobic, and transphobic attitudes and to support equal rights and opportunities for all people.

#14: Set an example.

#IPledge to speak up if my friends treat women badly or promote violence. I will speak out against sexist jokes, misogyny, and rape culture.

#15. Educate.

#IPledge to support children’s education equally, regardless of gender, and to teach them about healthy, respectful, nonviolent relationships from an early age.

#16: Broadcast your support.

#IPledge to advocate for an end to sexist, violence-supportive messages in media and advertising.

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